The Oklahoma Good Sam Club's "Metro Friendship Campout" was held August 4-6 at the Citizen Potawatomi Campground in Shawnee, Oklahoma.
This year's campout was hosted by Oklahoma Good Sam's Assistant State Director and Secretary, Roy & Susan Scholl.
It's well known among our club that after last year's Spring Samboree, Jerry was not a "happy camper." I didn't feel that the Samboree was well planned and managed, nor did I feel that our members were well received. Well, Roy and Susan more than made up for the Samboree's shortcomings. They went above and beyond to make this year's Metro Campout a spectacular event for all present, and they made all chapter members feel welcome and part of the organization. Roy and Susan are genuinely good folks!
We were also honored at our camp out with the presence of the Oklahoma Good Sam's State Director, Bettye and Edward Frantz. We're grateful that they took time out from their busy schedules to spend the entire three days with us.
Bettye and Edward are striving to make the Oklahoma Good Sam's Club better than ever, and Susan and I already see significant improvement. Moreover, these two are always upbeat, personable, and enjoy a good time, which are qualities that should be evident in every good State Director.
Excursions for this event included a trip to "Country Cottage Primitives Lavender Farm" near Shawnee, Oklahoma. Planning for the excursion began with the men waiting behind while the women went as a group, but as usual, the men ended up going as well. The following photos provide a sampling of the farm and its operation . . . .
The afternoon temperatures soared near 108 degrees, but that didn't keep a few brave souls from venturing out to explore "The Santa Fe Depot Museum."
The Depot turned 100 years old in 2004. The tower resembles a Scottish lighthouse, while the inside ceilings are made from stained boxcar siding. According to the Museum curators, the floors were originally cement and cinders supported by railroad ties. The Depot was in operation from about 1904 to 1963.
Below, Susan gets an opportunity to play an antique pump organ that was found abandoned in a nearby farm field.
The following photos depict the rear of the Depot along the tracks, which remain active today.
The "Beard Cabin" (below), which sits adjacent to the Depot, is said to be the first home built in Shawnee after the Land Run of 1891.
The highlight of the rally must have been watching Susan learn to line dance. We've been married almost 14 years and I've never been able to get her to dance with me.
Live entertainment was provided by our fellow metro chapter, The Norman Wheels. In addition to the wonderful food prepared by the chapters on "pot luck" night, our gracious hosts arranged for morning coffee and donuts, and a potato bar and catered BBQ for evening meals. Other activities included sand bag baseball, bean bags, card bingo, door prizes, a 50/50 drawing, and the LCR game.
It's always more fun when someone's grandchild wins the big prize . . . .
The Modern Wagoneers will next visit Sulphur, Oklahoma and the new Chickasaw Cultural Center. But be sure to first read the next chapter for exciting news!